
Deine Suche nach * lieferte 948 Ergebnisse.

  • Tax categories (wage tax)
    Employees are classified into tax categories for the wage tax deduction. The tax category is particularly important when it comes to determining the wage tax deduction amount. It depends on your marit
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Medicines
    Prescription-only medicines Medicines are only available in pharmacies in Saxony. Many medicines are only available on prescription from a doctor. These are referred to as prescription-only medicines.
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Identification documents and public deeds
    Do you want... to marry in Germany? to work in Germany? to present another type of document, issued in another country, to a German authority? The documents issued in your home country are recognised
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Particular regulations according to Book XII Social Code and Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
    Medical care for recipients of benefits according to Book XII of the Social Code In the case of recipients of income support who have compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance fund and in
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Residency in Germany
    Germany is open to immigration. With foreigners making up around twelve percent of its population (2018), the Federal Republic is one of Europe’s highest ranked countries in this respect. The foreigne
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Residency law for citizens of the European Union
    Article 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and the law on the general freedom of movement for EU citizens, govern the right of residence for EU citizens in EU member states. EU
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • The public health service in Saxony
    It is the task of the public health service in the Free State of Saxony to protect and promote the health of the population. Every independent town and every administrative district has a health autho
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Naturalisation and citizenship
    If you are a foreigner whose principal residence is in Germany, or if you are a child born in Germany to foreign parents, you may want to think about obtaining German citizenship and thus participatin
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • Advice and help for addicts
    The development of dependency is often the result of a long process which can take place in many small stages. Behaviour, life experience, living habits and personality change – often unnoticed at fir
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage
  • List of screening examiniations and vaccinations
    Which early detection and screening examinations are recommended and which are paid for by the statutory health insurance fund? Early detection of cancer according to Early Cancer Detection Guidelines
    • Typ: Amt24 Lebenslage

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